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  • Flame Grilled Thrill Compact Mirror

Flame Grilled Thrill Compact Mirror


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From a respectable distance, doesn't this lovely little compact look just like a delicious slider? Oh, how sad are we right now, inspecting its perfectly-baked bun and realising the sesame seeds on it aren't real. We want a burger, and we want one now!

Until a time at which we can reach a diner, this super-cute compact mirror will have to do.

Let's face it, the mirror is very handy. Even the burger itself (while in reality a brown plastic circle) functions as a cover to keep the mirror clean and free of scratches.

What's more, owing to this little burger's 2ins-long metal chain, it can be attached to a key to function as a keyring. Or perhaps you might like to place it on a plate, hidden among a batch of mighty meaty sliders, and see who spots the fake first!